King Solomon’s Seals – Background

We are pleased to present to you an ancient source of wisdom, the “Seals of King Solomon” bearing the ancient wisdom of King Solomon.

This powerful source of wisdom and insight, can give harmony to all of our lives.

Tradition has it that the origin of the seal was in the ring of King Solomon – Solomon who was the wisest of men wore a ring which had combinations of signs, letters from the occult wisdom, names of angels, ciphers and acrostics of biblical verses.

King Solomon’s seals are brought to the use of the general public while making the maximum effort to maintain their accuracy in their original form and language (Hebrew script) and authentic as documented in the sources, in order to allow everyone to connect to the fruits of ancient knowledge and enjoy the same energy that had the power to change destinies.

We present to you the entire series of seals that includes 44 seals, each containing a different mystical code that helps to preserve, protect, release and be released, heal and improve with situations and periods in life.

These are set on top of tiles or clay pendants.

Of these, 12 are made as 925 sterling silver pendants – no seal was stamped on these pendants to preserve the mystical code.

Health Seal

“In him was life and that life was the light of man”

This seal helps its wearer in protecting his health at any age and dealing with illnesses, distress, and physical disasters.

Seal of Recovery

“you will tread on the lion and the cobra, you will trample the lion and the alligator”

This seal helps patients recover from their illnesses by removing those negative forces and connecting to positive channels and physically strengthening them. It provides the ability to connect to inner healing, both mentally and emotionally, strengthening and activating the willpower and faith that directly affect and improve our physical forces.

Fertility Seal

This seal which contains in its form two parallel lines which do not meet, and reflect a kind of two states one the will and the other the reality. The combination of the letters between them is the code that will create the union. This seal is intended for anyone who suffers from fertility problems. In addition, it provides a sense of release from mental stress that may delay conception, and, during the stages of pregnancy, provides protection for the mother and fetus.

The Seal Creating New Paths

“Because he broke down copper doors and lopped off the iron bolt”

This seal helps the wearer to free himself from experiences, events, feelings, situations and periods he felt stuck in this life or the previous life. The mystical codes written in this seal and its form (key), are a powerful combination that have an associative, emotional, and practical impact. This seal opens to the person wearing it to new ways and paths and removes inhibiting obstacles while realizing his hidden potential.

Seal of Livelihood

“And he will reign from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth”

This seal imparts to the wearer a flow of livelihood (work) into his life, and the ability to assist in coping: in business, negotiations of all kinds (job interview, contracts, sales / purchasing and more).

Seal of Abundance

A seal which contains the names of the angels who help the wearer attract abundance and success. Helps achieve and increase success, financial gain, respect and abundance in his field of work. Focuses the person on his business path and guards against distractions that may create false illusions.

The Wish Seal

“Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death”

Greets its owner with compassion and helps in fulfilling the heart’s desires. This seal connects the wearer to the understanding that the most important wish is to ask God to help man know himself, to decipher his desires that have brought him to connect to the inner spark from which awareness and development will be created. This will magnetize events, lessons, people, help balance, peace of mind, and faith in the stream of life.

Relationship Seal

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.”

This seal presents to the wearer situations where he can meet, observe and identify the match he longs for, and receive it with love, respect and admiration.

Seal of Love

“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”

This seal helps to bring love from a distance, when this love can exist: love that the geographical distance separates the lovers, and / or when the person wearing it lives with other people (parents / work / spouse) and feels his love far away from him.

This seal will help a person to love, accept himself and give emotion to others through tolerance, understanding, equality and maintaining the boundaries of passion and love.

The Winner Seal

The mystical codes written in this seal and its form (key) constitute a powerful combination for a person who wants to achieve maximum success in his goal and dream.

The connection to the mental and intellectual powers which allows the utilization of all the resources of the body and mind and focuses the wearer on achieving the goal without fear, so that the end results will be optimal. Realization of his goals will lead to fame, popularity, and wealth.

Seal against the evil eye

“a song of ascents. Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever”

The seal is powerful and helps the wearer connect to his inner desires. Provides protection from enemies, and keeps evil spirits (evil eye) away from its owner and his home.

Seal of Protection and Defense

“Gave their souls, hail, fire and flames in their land, their vines and fig trees”

This seal helps the wearer wherever he goes – on a trip, journey, business work. It sharpens a person’s intellect to stay away from dangers and aims to find the right path in his journey.

At the same time protects from the evil eye.

Seal of Peace of Mind and Balance

“Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever”

Peace of mind and balance in a person are sometimes violated by impulse (daled chet peh) and / or fear (peh chet daled)  (pay attention to the reversal of the letters) In the human psyche the urge to reach peace of mind is activated and at the same time there is a fear of losing that peace of mind.

The mystical codes embedded in this seal give the wearer the ability to connect to the same inner desire for peace of mind and balance in our lives, in all areas of life: professional and personal.

In a balanced mental state, the person is calm and at his best, thus enabling a clear and considered vision of reality while being sensitive to the person himself and those around him.

Man enjoys social tranquility and is accompanied by balance and calm to be able to contain and persevere in this way. The seal has the ability to connect to the wisdom of the heart, to balance the human soul and allow enjoyment of all those gifts that are given to man on his way to happiness and wealth.

Please note that all of the above is a recommendation only and is not a substitute for physical or mental medical treatment.