Purifying and Recharging Gems

There are several ways to purify crystals. It is important to choose the path that you connect to and look appropriate. Adjust the “flushing” of the negative energies from the crystal.


  1. Rinse the crystal under running tap water for about 2 minutes and then expose to daylight for three hours (at least).

The water “neutralizes” the stone from the energies that clung to it, and the exposure to daylight “recharges” the crystal.


  1. Soak the stone in a solution of salt water.

There are stones which are not suitable for purifying by this method: malachite, azurite, hematite, fluorite, kyanite and aquamarine.

* This method is less recommended because any mineral that has copper in its composition can be damaged by the salt.


Rinse with tap water for a few minutes and place on a quartz colony for about 24 hours.


  1. Take the crystal to the sea, rinse in sea water. This type of purification can also be done in flowing spring water, river water, lake, waterfall or in a mikveh.


  1. “Smoke” the crystal using sage or incense herbs, Palo Santo or mixtures of different burning materials.


  1. Place the crystal in flowers: rose petals, orange blossoms, wood-sorrel or daffodils.


  1. Place the crystal in a bowl of organic brown rice for 24 hours.


  1. Bury the crystal in the ground for a week.


There are crystals that are worth recharging in the moonlight like Moonstone, Chrysocolla and a variety of crystals with feminine energy.


You can repeat the process you have chosen once a week, but it is also very important to feel the crystal and carry out the method you have chosen when you feel the need to purify and recharge it.


Take heed and find the way that feels most right and accurate to you and your crystal.
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