Stones of the Breastplate

The 12 stones of the breastplate were inlaid in the vest of the high priest and they represented the 12 tribes of Israel.

The connection between the 12 stones turned the entire array into a particularly powerful energetic tool that enabled the communication between the High Priest and the Creator and between the High Priest and the tribes of Israel.

Each of the stones embedded in the breastplate is a world. Each has its own properties and virtues while in their material value the stones are completely different from each other, but here lies the strength and beauty of the set of stones, which places precious stones next to semi-precious stones as equal. Of this we learn that they were chosen not because of their material value but rather because of their energetic strength.

The breastplate stones have many virtues resulting from the contribution and uniqueness of each stone. In the Zohar it is written that great wonder and great wisdom will be found in the secret of the 12 stones of the breastplate.

Rabbeinu Bahya ben Asher (Ba’hi) : Every stone and stone will draw strength from the upper worlds and is blessed by the rains.

The jewel of the breastplate provides a private sanctity that surrounds you with the help of the frequencies and the connection between them, each of which has its own qualities and virtues but together create a powerful tool for attracting abundance, blessing and a connection to the Creator.

The Stones of the Breastplate and their virtues:

Ruby: Belongs to the tribe of Reuben, gives vigor, vitality, strength and energy. Strengthens and revives the body and is therefore recommended for people who suffer from lack of energy and weakness. “A woman carrying the ruby – does not miscarry and her birth is easy on her.”

Imperial Topaz: Belongs to the tribe of Simeon, has a high healing energy, and strengthens the physical body. A stone of abundance, self-confidence and creativity.

Emerald: Belongs to the tribe of Levi, “strength of heart”, allows for deep emotional sincerity, emotional healing, and helps develop feelings of unconditional love, helps in healing infections and heart problems.

Garnet: belongs to the tribe of Judah, stimulates energies, stimulates and strengthens the “energy of life”, strengthens the reproductive system.

Sapphire: Belongs to the tribe of Issachar, the stone of truth, purity of thought and wisdom, brings peace to the soul and especially helps with the health of the eyes.

Diamond: Belongs to the tribe of Zebulun, the stone of wealth and courage. Removes fears.

Citrine: Belongs to the tribe of Dan, the stone of abundance and success, its energy recharges and revives.

Agate: Belongs to the tribe of Naphtali, protects from the evil eye, gives courage and helps to deal with fears; a strong healing stone.

Amethyst: belongs to the Gad tribe, the stone of the soul, connects us to the peace deep within us, imparts harmony and patience.

Aquamarine: belongs to the Asher tribe, a stone of flowing energies, clarity and inspiration, helping to heal the airways.

Onyx: Belongs to the tribe of Joseph, provides energy of stability, self-control, and balance.

Jasper: Belongs to the tribe of Benjamin, helps preserve human energy at a high level and strengthens the immune system.

Please note that the information above is a recommendation only and is not a substitute for physical or mental medical treatment.