The 5 Metals Ring and The Properties of The Metals – According to the Kabbalah

“Take five kinds of these metals, and they are: gold and silver, copper and tin and lead, make of them one ring on the night of the Sabbath using moonlight, and the work must be finished before the rooster calls; bear it upon you and sees wonders, and justice will rule”.

As it is written in the holy books “The Virtues of Israel”, “His Soul Will Escape” by CYDA *Chaim Yosef David Azulai) – a powerful Kabbalistic jewel whose special creation time combined with the 5 metals create a virtue for success, health, livelihood and abundance, mating and fertility, protection from the evil eye.

The ring is made on the first Saturday night after Rosh Chodesh – when the moon is full. The ring or pendant is made of silver, while at the top there is a gold plate underneath which are inlaid the lead, tin and copper. According to the book “Creation” and the Kabbalistic Astrology of the 5 Metals, there are additional qualities that give the power and virtues to wear them:

Gold – Represents the sun. animals, (vitality), infinite power to succeed, livelihood, happiness and wealth, the male side and role (the father) and Sunday.

Silver – Represents the moon. Spiritual needs, family, children, peace of mind, compassion, sensitivity to self and others, the female side (the mother) and Monday.

Copper – Represents the star Venus. Expressing emotions, artistic ability, love and connection to others, peace at home, relationships, harmony, unconditional love and Friday.

Tin – Represents the star Mercury. Mental perception, understanding, communication, change, courage to act, connection to inner strength, release of blockages and negative thinking patterns and Wednesday.

Lead – Represents the planet Saturn. Self-fulfillment, authority, emotions, the connection between the past and the future, the choice of the spiritual life force, connection to awareness and the Sabbath.

The Use of the Ring or Pendant

The ring should be worn or carried; it is important that the jewel has physical contact with the body. Carrying the jewel on you is a tremendous energy for creating change, protection, strengthening and fulfilling your desires.

You can enter unclean places with the jewel because it is made of silver and gold which are higher metals. In addition, because the names written on the jewel are not thought of or mentioned (if there is an engraving or embossing of one of the 72 names) there is no prohibition to enter anywhere – if you do not feel comfortable, it is possible, of course, to remove the jewel or cover it with a cloth / put it in a cloth bag for the sake of modesty.

Sometimes, when you first start wearing it, you might feel energetic and physiological changes such as: headaches, increased phlegm, etc. – these are common symptoms and will pass in a few days or less when the body balances with the energy of the jewel.

To connect even more powerfully, it is recommended, on the first Saturday night after Rosh Chodesh, to hold the ring or pendant, from midnight to half past, and ask for everything you wish to achieve in your life.