Argaman (Magenta) Cards

 109.00 224.00


The set contains 49 playing cards to raise self-awareness and empower different personality traits, and is suitable for adults and children

Spiritual meaning


Mandala cards for achieving goals, counseling and empowering personal potential. These cards give personal guidance in a precise and clear way, based on the practitioner’s ability to effectuate change. The text written in the center of the mandala in each section evokes the user’s awareness and trains the subconscious mind for positive thinking and success. Knowing the terms and seeing them written directs the mind and thoughts to abundance, success, perseverance, fulfilling dreams, achieving goals and more, and a state of “reality creating thought” is reached.

The cards are arranged in seven series. Each color series focuses on a different theme.

At the back of the cards is a mandala jigsaw puzzle.

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