Divine Unity pendant

 349.00  319.00


Round silver 925 charm for spiritual growth.

length (including hook): 3.2 cm, width: 2.4 cm

Spiritual meaning


Charm that aims to help a person in distress and in mental turmoil, confusion and restlessness, both with himself and with those around him. A person who asks questions but does not find solutions. Both sides of the amulet are the longing and desire to be whole and at one within ourselves, with our environment and most importantly with God.

One side – One is His Beginning; One is His Individuality; His Permutation is One- this sentence comes to make it clear that man in the search for truth seeks to figure himself out, and in the process seeks to connect to the Creator, who in His completion, upper and lower worlds unite. And he is the foundation of all that is hidden and visible, and from it emerges the nobility from the wonder of the oneness and continues to be blessed and exalted there by the glory of His name, who unites in his powers as a fiery flame unites in its many shades and his powers are noble in His unity.

When a person wants to pray and get to know his Creator, when kneeling he will direct his heart to heaven, to unite Gd’s name with all his might in complete faith. In doing so he will connect to an ancient wisdom and to the wondrous hidden light.

“It is the wondrous light which is hidden from the attainment of the eyes, bright is in the heavens, which spreads in all spiritual forces, which are hidden and visible, and it informs all that is hidden and all visible, and it teaches its uniqueness which is the top and cause to other causes, and is called nobility or separation. Neither created or separate or noble or al- knowing can understand how the crown will be equal to its unity and the name that is wonderful from the eyes of every living being is called the wonder of unity (the late Tzaddik Rabbi Hamai).

on the other side, a section of the Shma – The Lord is our God, the Lord is one. The prayer that states the belief and the faith in the singularity and oneness of our Lord.