Round Agate, Topaz and Pearl Pendant



Agate pendant in shades of turquoise and purple with blue topaz and pearls on a long silver necklace.

pendant length: 5.5 cm, necklace length: 76 cm

Spiritual meaning


Agate is one of the 12 stones of the High Priest breastplate. It strengthens the body’s immune system and improves self-confidence. It imparts strength and courage. It alleviates anxieties and fears. It is a powerful healing stone.

Blue Agate – protects and repels negative energies.

Topaz – one of the 12 stones of the High Priest breastplate.

Imperial – imparts vigor and energy, draws prosperity and strengthens the intellect.

Blue – Soothes and purifies thought. Awakens inspiration and improves communication.

Moonstone – the stone for finding a good and true life-partner. For renewing and refreshing the relationship between spouses, brings harmony to married life. Increases intuition and therefore facilitates the right choice of partner.

Moonstone Rainbow – full of sparks of powerful and yet soft femininity, delicate and caressing.

Pearl -represents purity, innocence and faith. Gives a feeling of inner peace and tranquility and makes the wearer feel an inner beauty that is projected outwards. It provides the essence of inner strength, helping to overcome feelings of depression, grief and pain.