Soul Key Pendant for Awareness and Spiritual Growth

 475.00  445.00


Silver 925 pendant in the shape of a key with jade stone and names of the Creator from the 72 names.

length (including hook): 6 cm, width: 1.6 cm

Spiritual meaning



chet-ayin-mem – “The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things! The Lord’s right hand is lifted high”

aleph-nun-yud – “The Lord is my refuge, and you make the Most High your dwelling”

A combination of the names of the Creator and a guiding stone which is known as the stone of dreams and magic allow the soul key to provide awareness and spiritual growth.
In the age in which we live, consciousness and senses are numb following the intense exposure to external stimuli. The desire for balance and spiritual growth exists in each and every one of us. The pendant imparts calmness, serenity, clarity, flexibility in character, acceptance of new things and people, understanding, and recognition of goals. It cleanses and imparts comfortable energies, encourages long life, balances opposing energies including masculinity and femininity, improves emotional expression, helps fulfill dreams by releasing the wearer from barriers, all of which lead to the balance of the senses and thus to greater awareness and spiritual growth.