Soul Key Pendant for Health

 479.00  445.00


Silver 925 pendant in the shape of a key with amethyst stone and names of the Creator from the 72 names.

length (including hook): 6 cm, width: 1.6 cm

Spiritual meaning


mem-hey-shin – “have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long”

lamed-lamed-hey – “I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me”

Numbers 12:13- “O Lord, please heal her”

The combination of the names of the Creator with the amethyst stone (one of the 12 stones of the breastplate), known as a healing stone, relieving pain and disease, provide the soul key with the ability to provide and improve health.

The pendant balances the energy centers in the body, controls and keeps away bad thoughts, creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere and improves sleep quality. It relieves those suffering from fears and addictions (alcohol / cigarettes).

In addition, it protects and relieves physical, mental and serious pain, thus confers and protects one’s health.