Soul Key Pendant for Prosperity and Livelihood

 475.00  445.00


Silver 925 pendant designed as a key with a citrine stone and names from the 72 names of the Creator.

length (including hook): 6 cm, width: 1.6 cm

Spiritual meaning


samech aleph lamed/ayin resh yud – combined with citrine

samech aleph lamed – “Lord, do not forsake me;
    do not be far from me”

ayin resh yud –  “Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs”

Genesis 6:8 – Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord

The pendant stimulates clarity of thought, bridges logic and intuition, accelerates decision making, sharpens the ability to express and communicate with others, gives a sense of stability and helps people radiate determination and self-confidence. In business, things come together to attract abundance, livelihood and wealth. The pendant helps increase the feeling of “I deserve it”, a feeling that is lacking in the subconscious of many. A change in attitude leads to openness to receive abundance, when a person is open to receiving, abundance and livelihood arrive.