Soul Key Ring for Protection and Defense

 479.00  445.00


Silver 925 pendant in the shape of a key with a malachite stone and names of the Creator from the 72 names.

length (including hook): 6 cm, width: 1.6 cm

Spiritual meaning


lamed-hey-chet/yud-chet-vav – combined with malachite stone

lamed-hey-chet – “but I cry to you for help, Lord;
    in the morning my prayer comes before you.”

yud-chet-vav – “shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,
    burst into jubilant song with music”

The combination of the name of the Creator and a royal stone (one of the oldest documented stones from around 4000 BC), which is known for its very strong protective virtues give the soul the key to preservation and protection.
The royal stone helps protect and defend its owner from accidents while “absorbing” the intensity of the accident. Provides calm, good and peaceful sleep (recommended to keep the pendant in the bedroom).
The pendant is powerful and has strong powers in guarding and protecting against evil spirits, anxieties and fears.